Everything is connected in a small town or small city.  As a local business if you desire to make a difference, it is worthwhile to build your reputation as an organization that cares.

While some businesses, don’t see the value in supporting their local community, most others really make a strong effort, below are some suggestions that worked for us.

  • TRY TO HELP EVERYONE – Local fund raisers and community groups quite often come looking for door prizes and raffle items.  My suggestion is to use items with landed costs of $100 approximately or less, especially if the items are discontinued or on clearance.  They still have a high perceived value and you are able to use the value as a donation item and every group is appreciative.  Make sure that each donation is accompanied by a nice “donated by” card with your logo (4 x 6) is a nice size and perhaps a business card attached to it. If your company can’t afford that much, try what you can afford.
  • SUGGESTIONS FOR DOOR PRIZES/RAFFLE ITEMS – Can include PRINTS and ACCESSORIES, we used to purchase prints with local images that were extremely popular and the cost was quite affordable.  Sports prints for baseball or hockey are also quite popular.  Pillows, mattress pads, and duvets are also very useful and are valued items.
  • SPONSORING MINOR SPORTS – The cost of sponsoring a team is usually quite affordable and if someone on your staff actually coaches the team, it is very nice way to build a connection.  House League teams are more affordable than “rep” teams, but whatever you can afford is appreciated.  Taking an interest in the team, posting pictures on social media, having a team picture in the store are all ways to build excitement for community involvement.
  • SPONSORING ONE ATHLETE – This was one of the few things that we did not do, we always tried to support a team rather than an individual, the choice is yours but we felt that we were primarily interested in building a community, not just one person.  Explained that way, most people making the request understood.
  • SPONSORING A BIG EVENT – This can work very well, sometimes a large cash donation or big prize donation works, to be truly effective, trying to get associate volunteers to help in the event makes the connection even better.   Of course, having company banners and logos really helps with publicity.
  • ADVERTISE THAT YOU SUPPORT COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS – One company I worked for did an excellent job of this, they annually commissioned a poster that showed all of the community groups they supported, it helped staff morale, it helped the community, and it made the owners feel good.  I would also suggest, offering the staff who work at these places a standing “friends and family” discount is a great way to help people who make a difference in our community.
  • GIVING SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO ORGANIZATIONS THAT SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY – Our local United Way does extremely great work on behalf of our community and helping by selling them items at a reduced margin or donating to them makes their work just that much easier.  Your generosity will be repaid many times over for your support of these groups. I believed this before I volunteered and worked with the United Way and I believe it even stronger today; however, there are many groups, support whichever group you like, but support someone.
  • SUPPORTING GROUPS BY DONATING RETURNED OR USED ITEMS OR NEW ITEMS – We supported groups like the Woman’s Crisis Centre for years with donations of furniture that was taken away on behalf of our customers, or other “good condition” returns all help groups that are always pressed for funds.
  • SUPPORTING CO-OP STUDENTS FROM LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS – While not a direct charitable program, having 1 or 2 co-op students is an excellent way to give students an opportunity to work and learn valuable skills.  Normally they are not paid; however, the opportunity is excellent, and you might consider a certificate or some kind of “bursary” to be used for their post-secondary education.
  • ENCOURAGE YOUR ASSOCIATES TO GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY – On your social media sites, highlight your people who are making a difference in the community.  You may have senior managers who make presentations at local schools on business or marketing topics, as well as skills such as “how to find a job” or “how to keep a job”.  Associates who teach Karate or Kung Fu, Cub and Scout leaders.  Make sure that they are recognized for their contributions and make scheduling easier to accommodate their involvement.
  • ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS TO DONATE $2.00 TO A LOCAL CHARITY – Asking customers to donate a small amount like this from every sale makes can make a huge difference.  Perhaps do a different charity each month.  Ask the charity to explain to your associates about the differences they make in the community.
  • IF YOUR STORE SUPPORTS A BONUS POINT PROGRAM LIKE AIR MILES – Ask the charity to create an AIR MILES type account and ask your customers if they would like to donate their points to the charity and swipe the Charity card if the customer agrees.

Many companies, sponsor events but make little effort to get their name in a prominent place or to have much involvement in the event, which is a mistake.  We want to help and we want people to know that we are helping, not just for the publicity; but because we care about where we live.