Debate, conversation, collaboration, and solutions.

Constructively debating, collaborating and dealing with each of these issues would strengthen our society and would provide economic opportunities for growth of businesses. These are just a sampling of the social issues that we should be discussing as part of our economic plans. Social responsibility is not mutually exclusive from economic growth.

Stigma and Food Insecurity

All of us are affected by social stigma. On occasion, we are the victim of it. Other times we can perpetuate it. Stigma and bias can result from the best of intentions as easily as it can be the result of ignorance. People may want to impose their concept of “what is right” or to help someone to “avoid making a mistake.” Stigma is especially prevalent for people who suffer from poverty or are from marginalized communities.

Building Culture = Building Success

Building a solid culture and a solid team isn’t easy. It is worth the time however, and it is worth the investment … every time. Here are some proven ideas to consider, they have worked for others and many of them can be done quite easily and inexpensively.

12 things I’ll bet you didn’t know about food.

Most people don’t think about food insecurity when they think about food in Canada. Food insecure people regularly don’t have enough to eat for themselves or their families. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world, but yet we have a food insecurity problem that needs to have a spotlight shone it.