FP/NFP – The Key is Customer Service

The concept of “No wrong door” is a great philosophy to build “customer service” standards. Regardless of whom a client/customer speaks to, each associate has been trained to help that person work towards solving his or her problem. That does not mean that everyone is cross-trained on every nuance and issue that a customer might have. It means that each associate understands the importance of the following, and they know that how each client/customer is handled in every single encounter determines whether the organization will be successful or not.

Small & Medium sized Organizations – Theft and Fraud Prevention Tips

There are many “warning signs” that can help you avoid being a victim. Anticipating that fraud attempts are going to occur, putting preventative measures in place may be your best defense. It is not a question of “if” your organization might be a potential victim of theft or fraud; it is only a question of “when.”