… about issues at work

Sixteen-year-old students left to lock up, fourteen-year-old kids running meat cutting equipment, university or college students struggling to balance work/school demands, and more issues that are stressing students who work.

This post provides an introduction and links to help acquire the knowledge they need to know their rights in the workforce. Please share this post with students you know or with parents who have children working after-school and on weekends.

Inclement Weather and your People

The stress and anxiety that accompany severe inclement weather events are very real for organizations and their associates. In extreme weather events, it is difficult for organizations to mitigate those emotions; however, it is still possible to have processes in place for “normal” severe weather events.

EVERYONE IS RESPONSIBLE – But are you prepared?

According to the Ontario Ministry of Labour’s website, in Ontario more than 250,000 workers are injured in workplace accidents annually. Their most recent statistics show the average direct cost of these accidents can be more than $20,000; in medical expenses, lost time, lost productivity, etc. In certain cases, direct and indirect costs can exceed $80,000. Accidents can injure associates and visitors, result in fines, penalties, and lawsuits that in some severe cases can result in organizations being shut down. Many of these accidents are preventable or can be mitigated if an organization, from the top to the bottom, commits themselves to a culture of proper Health and Safety.

HEALTH & SAFETY BASICS – Students & New Hires

Did you know that Students and young workers have a much greater chance of being hurt in the workplace than older workers?

Part of the reason is inexperience and lack of training; another part though is a lack of understanding of the protections that are in place for all workers regardless of experience. Consider this to be an introduction which outlines some of the government legislated protections that are in place for you.