Some truths are self-evident, some linger in the shadows, after a lifetime in retail/sales/customer service; these are a few truths that I train new associates on: 

Never judge a customer by their appearance.

Always smile and say “hello” to every customer that you see.

Never assume that a customer has been taken care of.

Always remember that “karma” is alive and well.

Never make yourself look better while making our company look bad.

Always check stock before going to writing a sales bill.

Never forget the customer in front of you is more important than anything else that you have to do.

Always use sold tags when you sell display models (customer/your name/sales bill/delivery date).

Never book a delivery without stock or without it being completely paid for.

Always review the sales bill with the customer before they leave the store and circle the delivery date.

Never forget the basics:  Spell the customers name properly, have the right contact and address information, review the bill with the customer for errors, record and special instructions, and give them a copy with your business card.

Always remember that our competition gets better every day and so must we.

Never underestimate our competition.

Always smile, when on the phone, or even on-line when talking to a customer.

Never tell a customer they have to wait until their sales person in back in to help them.  Take a message if possible, or get the sales manager to help them.

Always remember to double check that your customer has purchased everything they need to enjoy their purchase.

Never take anyone or anything for granted. 

Always be learning something, try to be better than yesterday.

Never dwell on a mistake, remember the lesson, forget the error.

Always do a floor walk at the beginning of your shift and just before you leave – straighten pillows, tags, swatches, what’s been moved or what is new on the floor, etc.

Never miss a chance to get a referral and use some form of a lead tracker everyday

Always know our advertisements, what is new on the floor, and what has been marked down.

Never let an opportunity to sell slip past you, even on price guarantees, try to have your customer purchase something to compliment their initial purchase.

Always remember that the replacement mattress for a comfort guarantee must be of equal or greater value.

Never tell a customer how you are paid, you get paid when they are satisfied.

Always walk your customer to the door, thank them, and give them 2 business cards for referrals.

Never “slam” the competition, point out facts, and express your desire that the customer “make an informed decision.”

After every customer, always ask yourself: “What did I do right?”, “What did I do wrong?” and “What could I have done differently next time?”

Never ask for a price concession from a manager directly in front of the customer.

Always include an ETA in the notes for any product that must be ordered, AND follow up every two weeks.

Never forget to call a customer back when you said you would, even if you do not have an answer yet.

Always realize that a person who looks like they have a question, does.

Never be afraid to speak your mind; however, depending on who the owner or manager is, pick your spots. 

Always work as if the owner is standing behind you.

Never forget that you will not likely ever get everything done, so prioritize your work.

Always say “extended service plan” never “extended warranty”.

Never say “floor model”, they are “display models”.

Always talk about “detailing a product” never a “a touch up”.

Never get caught up in the store gossip to the point where it distracts your focus.”

Always try to be a work 10-15 minutes before your shift begins.

Never make a customer feel foolish for not being able to describe something.

BONUS:  When faced with a decision:  Determine the facts, examine the alternatives, make the best decision you can.

Good Selling