Useful tips to “Pick yourself back up.”

Like many people, I sometimes find my energy and enthusiasm for working to be less than ideal.

I have been experiencing more of these days lately than I remember. The weight of these days makes the coming day even more difficult to approach than the previous.

I work in a demanding field with constantly changing “goalposts” where success is ill-defined and rare. People I work with speak in generalities of what success is; but when pressed for a concise explanation, unfortunately, they retreat behind sayings like every situation and circumstance is different. Whether in a for-profit business or a charitable organization, I know I am not alone in my feelings.

Although my organization is supportive, I often work in isolation and find the only person who can provide motivation … is me.

I have been searching for solutions, tips to help; not only for myself but for anyone else who feels the same way. These are my “Pump up my tires” tools, when I am worn out by shifting priorities, inadequate resources, and impossible situations; see what you think, use what you can, share what you like, and add your suggestions, I am always looking for more.

Get a good night’s sleep – Everything is worse if you are tired. Tossing and turning all night and waking more tired than when you went to sleep is a recipe for a day going sideways. Try to have a regular bedtime, read before bed instead of watching TV or using a phone or computer, and try to avoid eating or drinking anything a few hours before trying to sleep.

Don’t oversleep despite the temptation – With sleep, routine, and consistency are important; so oversleeping, particularly on working days will not be as helpful as it might feel. Put your alarm far enough from your bed that you have to get up to turn it off, you will feel less tired and less stressed.

Eat breakfast – We all need to appreciate the importance of eating properly and especially the impact of having a good breakfast can have on your ability and stamina to work through a difficult day.

Exercise – Even a little every day can help you avoid getting rundown and tired. Go for a walk and design a little workout routine that involves some push-ups and sit-ups, you don’t need to join a gym or have expensive equipment to begin.

Do something for yourself everyday day – Even something for 5 minutes can have a big effect on your feelings of being tired. Many of us are so busy and have so many responsibilities we can lose our sense of “fun” and “that how we feel matters.”  Not taking care of yourself only adds more weight to the burden we carry on those difficult days.

Do 15 minutes of self-improvement every day – Similar but not the same as the last point, read a book, blog, trade-publication, listen to a podcast, watch an online video; do something consistently even for a short period every day to become better. This effort will reward you with more skills, a better attitude, and potentially more choices.

Look for solutions, not more problems – We all know people who “can find the gray lining in the silver cloud,” these people can find the negative in any positive situation; don’t be one of them. When you are tired and frustrated the problems seem overwhelming and the solutions very rare; fight these feelings and look for constructive paths to follow.

Take breaks when you feel tired or worn – The temptation when things are difficult is to try to work even longer and harder; what is really necessary is to step back even for a few minutes, refresh yourself, and consider the facts, alternatives, and choices. Doing this and clearing your head will allow you to regroup and feel re-energized.

Keep your space organized – When you having a bad day, even the simplest things like trying to find something you misplaced will increase your frustration. You can be proactive and reduce your future frustration by being better organized.

Get outside every day and keep your perspectives grounded. We live in an amazing world, but too few of us take the time to notice all of the small miracles that are just waiting for us to notice them, the sound of water rippling, the laughter of small children, flowers, the sky, everything; we work so we can live, not the other way around.

Start where you are, do what you can with what you have, and look for and attempt to achieve as many small victories as possible – This really is the secret to unwinding a bad day, and to pumping yourself back up. You can make a difference; not only to the people and world around you, but most importantly for yourself.

Good luck,


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