WORKING 101 – 10 Tips on How to Survive a bad boss.

One of the most difficult situations that an associate can find themselves in, is having a bad boss.  Sometimes bad bosses or owners come with the job, sometimes the person in charge seems to deteriorate or change, and sometimes a good boss is replaced, it doesn’t matter how it happened, know you have to deal with it.

I have had a little experience helping people work with these types of “bad bosses” and these are the things that have worked for us and might help you:

  1. Talk to them if you can, maybe the issue is a simple misunderstanding
  2. Talk to your human resources person, ask for the conversation to be kept confidential if you can.  There can be a danger here, make sure you can trust them.
  3. Talk to their supervisor or the business owner, this can be intimidating but it can work very well because they may not be aware of the issues.
  4. Talk to your co-workers, again do this with caution because sometimes people will immediately go to someone like your boss or worse yet gossip.
  5. Give 1-4 a chance before you decide to move on, but keep the following in mind if you decide to look for something else.
  6. If you decide to look for another job, keep your cards close and do not tell anyone of your plans, some businesses will not handle the situation well, unless you get along really well with your supervisor, but if you did you wouldn’t have the problem we’re discussing.
  7. Update your resume.
  8. Ask for people you trust to give you a reference.
  9. Remember, looking for a job while you are still working will look better to a perspective employer, plus it will ease the financial stress for you if you decide to leave.
  10. If the employer seems to have a plan to “unload” you, make sure you document dates, times, and content of any negative meetings.
  11. If you feel you are being “targeted” make sure you contact your “Labour Board” and get advice.  In my experience I have seen some companies do many intimating things because they do not think they will get caught and they do not think anyone will complain.
  12. Consider getting legal advice and know how to handle unfair performance reviews.
  13. If you decide that you are going to stay, because you are in a situation that you need the money, which unfortunately happens.  Then consider the following points.
  14. Can you request a transfer within your company?
  15. Can you avoid situations where you have to deal with your boss?
  16. Is there some way you can change what you are doing to make yourself less of a target.
  17. If the situation is horrible and you feel trapped, which happens, do not suffer in silence, seek out resources like the labour board, remember you are not a prisoner and you have rights.
  18. Consider going on “stress or medical leave,” make sure you speak to some professional help prior to doing this so you understand the consequences.

Good luck, do not suffer in silence, there are things that will make a difference.