Your Staff Christmas Party – some ideas to consider …

Some thoughts and ideas about how your organization might consider a slightly different approach to your team’s Christmas party.


Whether to associates or clients use real cards and not electronic ones.  Take the time and make a short person-centred comment.  If a business owner or manager is giving one to each associate, a nice comment about how much you appreciate their efforts goes a long way.  If you are giving one to a business, write about how much your relationship with their company means to you.


  • Christmas bookings usually need to be reserved well in advance.  Ask for ideas and volunteers to plan the party with some parameters.
  • When it comes to the details listen to your associates.  It is worth the time to have a Master of Ceremonies even for a small group.  Figure out where the opportunities and headaches might be:
  • Have a fun theme for the group, this can be done lots of ways with ugly sweater contests, having a Santa, and karaoke can be fun as well.
    • Encourage everyone to come, the theme should be more of an ASSOCIATE APPRECIATION NIGHTA good idea is to have the Managers serve the food and make sure that your people are the focus of the evening.
    • Plan for someone to say a few words, short is better; but thanking everyone, thanking the place where the meal is; letting people know how things will go, especially for new associates.
    • Which tables get to go first if you have a meal, a fun ice-breaking game can work very nicely to get people talking to together
    • Christmas parties are a great time to present awards:  5/10/15/20 etc. anniversaries, new associates, associates who have not missed anytime.
    • Plan for your managers and supervisors to stay until the end of the night.


If you have never watched National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, please do.  A Christmas bonus is a nice touch.  It could be a Gift Card; it might be extra money or it might be a Christmas turkey or ham.  Your people spend more of their awake time with you and your company than they do with their families; use this opportunity to say “thank you.”


Paying your associates a living wage in 2020 should be a basic right not a privilege.  I appreciate the financial costs of this measure; but, you as a business owner should be aware of how many of your associates are making less than a living wage.  Christmas is a good time to reflect on how much your associates get paid.


This year, because of Covid-19, Christmas parties really aren’t happening; however, for 2021 consider doing the following if you have a Christmas party:

  • Ask each person attending to sign a letter to their local politician asking for their support to invest in affordable housing.  In many communities the leading cause of poverty is that there is not sufficient affordable housing for everyone.  Spending more than 30% of family incomes on housing leads to food insecurity and many other forms of poverty.
  • In addition, collecting at the party either:  an unwrapped toy or gift card for children from infant to 17 years old – many toy drives set age limits of 12, leaving older children with nothing; or a non-perishable food item (please check the best before dates) for local food banks or community meal programs.
  • Another possibility is to bring any old, but still wearable coats, mitts, and boots for people of all ages for donations to community shelters for women, families, or homeless people.


Many generous companies will do this for valued customers or suppliers and it’s a very nice and appreciated gesture.  Consider asking the recipient prior to Christmas, if they would like to make a donation, instead of a gift, for the charity of their choice.


These are usually very nice, a couple of ideas to consider:

  • Mix up the seating so all of the different departments are mixed together.
  • Encourage spouses and partners to attend.
  • If alcohol is being served, remember to ensure that “smart serve” rules are in place and to ensure that all of your associates get home safely.
  • Owners and managers have a duty to set a good example and should watch their input of alcohol and other substances.
  • Depending on the group, have activities and games that will keep people there after the meal is over.


This can be dynamite, both good and bad; it is worth considering how divergent your associates are in terms of demographics.  Setting dollar limits that are within the financial ability of everyone can be fun, but not having that type of check/balance can put undue stress on some associates. 


A staff cookie exchange where everyone either bakes or contributes 2 dozen baked goods is a nice idea. 


While it is almost too late for this year, there are a few things that there is still time for:

  • Postpone your party – Everyone is zoomed out and a party on Zoom might result in a mutiny, so reschedule it for the summer, June 25th has a nice ring to it; and having it outside.  As a retailer, Christmas is such a crazy time, many associates would rather spend a night with their families than worry about Covid-19.
  • Depending on your region – Have a socially distancing party in a larger space. 
  • Consider something unusual – Tobogganing can be fun, depending on the relative age of your associates.  Bowling is another activity where social distancing is possible.

OVERALL, Christmas parties should be fun and relaxing for everyone including the organizers.  It is a great opportunity for everyone to have a good time and enjoy each other’s company.