Making a difference …

The problems we face as individuals, in our work, with our families, and as a society often can seem incredibly overwhelming.

You can’t change everything, but you can change some things, start where you are. Try these suggestions; they work, and they can help you to make a difference …

Building Culture = Building Success

Building a solid culture and a solid team isn’t easy. It is worth the time however, and it is worth the investment … every time. Here are some proven ideas to consider, they have worked for others and many of them can be done quite easily and inexpensively.

Prospecting 101 – Making a good sales associate a GREAT SALES ASSOCIATE

“Good to great” is the title of an excellent book by Jim Collins. Collins writes about how some of the good organizations made themselves great organizations by doing things well that were available to everyone in their sectors, but only a few made the effort. As a commission sales associate, you have the same opportunity. The things that you need to do to become truly great are at your fingertips, the same way that they are for everyone else, as with the examples in his book, only the great sales associates do them.

Real Sales Issues – Customers asking for a “deal”

As a sales associate, having the right answer when a customer asks “for a deal” and being able to handle the question comfortably can be difficult for new sales associates and even for older associates who are struggling. In this post, we will discuss some suggestions on how to handle these situations, from some of the best sales associates I have known.

TRAINING 101 – Role Playing

Like so many skills, selling ability is a learned skill. Even someone with “natural selling skills” can be better. Perhaps the most effective training method is also the one that most people feel the most uncomfortable with: role-playing. The primary focus of this post is teaching selling skills; however, role-playing can help in virtually any training situation.