Learning More about Mental Health and Addiction

I have just finished a 6-month stint working for the Canadian Mental Health Association and was inspired by the incredibly dedicated people who devote their careers to making a difference.

Collectively we need to know more about these issues because they will affect one in four people this year. As we learn about mental health and addiction we need to share what we learn to eliminate myths, eliminate stigma, and to understand how we can help our friends, our family, our coworkers, and our neighbors. Consider this post to be just a very brief beginning of that journey.


I am interested in democracy and accountability.  Integrity and responsibility as well as equitable treatment of all people, including non-citizens should be applied equally in each part of this country.  Regardless of electoral reform, the failure to safeguard and prevent erosion of our democratic institutions will make how we vote even less important. 

Its time to go

You want to be in control of your career.

By recognizing the signs for what they are, especially if you are a long-term employee of your organization, you can start planning and preparing. You want to do things on your terms.

You might be scared, you might feel stuck financially or because of family responsibilities or/and because of the the lack of opportunities; all of those are natural responses.

Embracing rather than ignoring, will allow you to take the steps necessary to secure your future.

Small & Medium sized Organizations – Theft and Fraud Prevention Tips

There are many “warning signs” that can help you avoid being a victim. Anticipating that fraud attempts are going to occur, putting preventative measures in place may be your best defense. It is not a question of “if” your organization might be a potential victim of theft or fraud; it is only a question of “when.”