EVERYONE IS RESPONSIBLE – But are you prepared?

According to the Ontario Ministry of Labour’s website, in Ontario more than 250,000 workers are injured in workplace accidents annually. Their most recent statistics show the average direct cost of these accidents can be more than $20,000; in medical expenses, lost time, lost productivity, etc. In certain cases, direct and indirect costs can exceed $80,000. Accidents can injure associates and visitors, result in fines, penalties, and lawsuits that in some severe cases can result in organizations being shut down. Many of these accidents are preventable or can be mitigated if an organization, from the top to the bottom, commits themselves to a culture of proper Health and Safety.

GIVING BACK – Coaching Minor Sports

Some of my posts are about building the culture of organizations. A great way is to encourage your associates to volunteer to help with minor sports. These are a few tips and lessons that people shared with me and I believe made a significant difference helping me to coach, and helping the players to learn and have fun.


The first day for a new associate is a KEY day and may determine whether a new associate will be successful or not. It does not matter what type of job it is. Please as an associate, as a manager, or as an owner; prepare and anticipate where the issues will be and minimize them.
If you do this well, the new associate has a much better chance of being a good associate. If you don’t, you may not get a second chance.

Competitive Advantages 101 – The Secret of Your Success

To do more than survive, to succeed in any field of endeavour, you and your organization need to have as many competitive advantages as possible. Always being thinking about what makes you special, different, and better.