“Nobody seems to want to work today!  We can’t find anyone who wants to work for us.”

The real problem is some organizations are struggling to find people using tools and strategies that worked in the past but these tools haven’t been updated for the employment environment that exists today. It doesn’t matter if the organization is a “for-profit” or “not-for-profit.” In many ways the problem is a basic supply and demand problem, however, there are many more variables in the equation today than ever before.

Using Theatre to Train Your Team

Everyone joins an organization with varying levels of skills and experience.  The effective use of role-playing can generate incremental leaps in capabilities through fostering interactive learning between co-workers. 

Make your meetings count …

Good meetings don’t just happen. Preparation, Planning and Practice make good meetings. Good meeting techniques, like your organization, change and evolve. Some meetings will be better than others but your goal should be to have your people leave your meetings feeling like they understand what is going on, why something is happening, and be excited about moving forward.

If you let them … instead help them with tools, training, and a process that works.

Nothing about difficult situations and angry people is ever simple.

Rarely is there one trigger and one solution. Nuance, exceptions, and the lack of anything resembling black and white all are factors in finding solutions to their problems. There is never just one or two sides to a story, there are usually forty-two sides!

This post is about a process, the tools, and the training required to anticipate, avoid, and ultimately how to deal with these situations when they occur.

What are the things you don’t see?

A famous racecar driver once said that races are won by how fast you get through the corners, not how fast you go in a straight line.  Many organizations focus on the flash and sizzle of their worlds, ignoring at their peril the routine and perceived “basic” things.  Failure to acknowledge and overcome Organizational Vulnerabilities are the things that will cause your team to fail. 

Sales and ethics – Finding a good sales person

I have had the great fortune to know some truly great sales people. What made them excel was their ability to provide great value for their customers and for their employer. Perhaps their most telling trait was their ability to combine selling skills and a strong sense of personal ethics for their customers. What follows is a short guide to help you know who to trust.

Prospecting 101 – Making a good sales associate a GREAT SALES ASSOCIATE

“Good to great” is the title of an excellent book by Jim Collins. Collins writes about how some of the good organizations made themselves great organizations by doing things well that were available to everyone in their sectors, but only a few made the effort. As a commission sales associate, you have the same opportunity. The things that you need to do to become truly great are at your fingertips, the same way that they are for everyone else, as with the examples in his book, only the great sales associates do them.