TRAINING 101 – Role Playing

Like so many skills, selling ability is a learned skill. Even someone with “natural selling skills” can be better. Perhaps the most effective training method is also the one that most people feel the most uncomfortable with: role-playing. The primary focus of this post is teaching selling skills; however, role-playing can help in virtually any training situation.


All organizations should develop, empower, and foster accountability with their sales associates, unfortunately, many do not. No one disputes the need for guidelines and policies; however, your rules should help facilitate business not drive customers to your competition. Be careful that rules for 1% of your customers don’t negatively affect the other 99%.

SALES 101 – 6 Steps of Selling – Building Rapport (1) and Qualifying (2)

Sales is part science and part craft, to be successful you need to learn the steps that help you to meet your customer’s needs and wants, with what you can offer. These lessons have come from learning from the very best people in retail, I hope they help you the same way they have helped me and my associates.