Every organization has drama … what you do about it makes all the difference.

Every organization has drama.

Drama is virtually impossible to avoid because organizations consist of people and when you have two or more people together, the potential for drama exists.

That’s not cynical, in my experience, that’s just how things work. Whether it’s good or bad depends on how the organization reacts to and anticipates drama.

What are the things you don’t see?

A famous racecar driver once said that races are won by how fast you get through the corners, not how fast you go in a straight line.  Many organizations focus on the flash and sizzle of their worlds, ignoring at their peril the routine and perceived “basic” things.  Failure to acknowledge and overcome Organizational Vulnerabilities are the things that will cause your team to fail. 

SALES 101 – 6 Steps of Selling – Building Rapport (1) and Qualifying (2)

Sales is part science and part craft, to be successful you need to learn the steps that help you to meet your customer’s needs and wants, with what you can offer. These lessons have come from learning from the very best people in retail, I hope they help you the same way they have helped me and my associates.