You should be MRD

Finding a job is potentially one of the hardest things we can do. Regardless of our age, experience, job history, or skills, finding the right job for you can range from very easy to extremely difficult and everywhere in between.

Whether at the start of your career, in the middle looking for something better, or looking because your company has moved, merged, or disappeared, or for any number of other reasons; looking for a new job may be harder than you thought it would be.

You’re not alone, job seeking is an acquired skill, not something few of us are good at naturally; fortunately, there is help available and as with any skill, the more you learn, practice and experiment, the better you will get.  Consider these twenty-one points a good place to begin.

Employers go to market to solve a problem – An organization begins a job search because somebody has left or the demand for their products or services outstrips their ability to supply that demand. Your key advantage is to appreciate and remember you are solving an employer’s problem, instead of just focusing on solving your employment problem.

Do cold calls – Many organizations may be thinking about hiring but haven’t posted yet; if you approach them with the skills that they are looking for, you might solve their employment problem without them having to resort to a lengthy posting and interview process.  “Cold Calls” should be done in person; calling, or emailing doesn’t cut it! There is considerable rejection and while it is the most difficult way of finding a job, it can be the most effective method. 

Understand your transferable skills – Too many people discount or think the skills they have acquired in one sector do not apply to other sectors; however, often skills are transferable and provide different and unique perspectives that are even more valuable to employers.

Don’t let the stigma of being unemployed affect you  – Don’t be embarrassed, appreciate looking for a new job is a full-time occupation, and share that you are looking for work with family, friends, former co-workers, and basically everyone you know – you will be surprised by how helpful people are.

You want to be noticed – Society seems to drive conformity into us from a very early age and to stand out we have to forget that conditioning.  Children in kindergarten beg to answer questions in school, by grade 7 that enthusiasm has all but vanished and the older we get, generally, the less we want to be noticed. When you are looking for work, you want to be noticed.

Only looking for online jobs is a mistakeSites such as MONSTER.CA; INDEED.CA, LINKEDIN, WORKAPOLIS, and others are very helpful; however, everyone else is using them as well. Digital sources are only part of your search, networking and “cold calling” are important tools too.   

Appling your knowledge and plans sets you apart – The world is full of people with good ideas, but what is more valuable is the ability to make those ideas a reality.

Keep your resume as short as necessary – Job seekers often try to cram as much as possible onto their resume. Instead, only list the points from the last 10-15 years and put them in order as if you could only tell an employer one thing about you, and what would it be; and then list the rest of your points using that philosophy. Your resume and cover letter are advertisements, design them to attract the employers attention from the first word.

Apply as soon as possible – Many organizations need someone yesterday and it is not uncommon for those employers to hire the first person they feel is qualified. While many employers will wait until the cutoff date listed, do not assume they all will. 

Spend 20-30 minutes on research before an interview – Basic interviews are 20-30 minutes long and you should spend at least that much time preparing.  You can gain a useful edge by visiting their social media or physical sites. 

Be positive, and upbeat, smile, have good eye contact, and demonstrate humility whenever interacting with an organization’s people – Whether you are dropping off your resume, speaking on the phone, emailing, or coming in for an interview, expect them to be observed and recorded.     

Don’t trip – On your resume or during an interview don’t give out any personal information such as your age, marital status, number of children, sexual orientation, religious belief, etc.  Never wear a hat and never bring coffee or another beverage.

Do follow-up.  For every application or interview, do not be afraid to follow up.  By touching base in a friendly manner, you will draw attention to yourself; if the job has been filled then be careful not to “burn any bridges,” and let them know, that if something changes or the person doesn’t work out, you would like to be considered.

If you were an animal, what kind would you be?  Some interviewers like these types of questions, to see “HOW” you think, they are important questions. 

Practice, practice, practice – Looking for a new job is not something many people do very often. Practice “cold calls,” practice interview questions, and take advantage of the FREE help that is available from your local employment services, few people do this, and it will give you a substantial competitive edge..

Finding a job is one of the hardest things we can do.

A job or career will change your life, how is up to you, the skills you bring, the attitude you display, and the resilience you have to the various curves and pitfalls that everyone inevitably faces.  Getting a good start is key and all of these twenty-one points can help you to become MRD.

Good luck,


PS – You’re not alone, job seeking is an acquired skill, it is not something few of us are good at naturally; fortunately, the more you practice and experiment, the better you will get.

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