An Insider’s guide to being a good Career Advisor

I help people find jobs.

Done well, a career advisor can help positively change someone’s career path, done poorly, the consequences can echo for decades. Appreciating this fact, I am inspired by my coworkers, the people I assist, and the employers and staff of each organization I work with to do the best I can for each person I engage. Knowing the unique challenges and barriers each job seeker faces, I try to make use of the following ten principles to assist them in finding the job and career that is the best fit for their wants and needs.

Be prepared in advance for every meeting. Delivering value is not an accident; it results from learning about each job seeker, creating a collaborative plan, implementing it, and adjusting it as required. Meetings with job seekers are like building blocks; each block represents a step, and each step lays the framework and foundation for the next one.

Work at the job seeker’s pace using a collaborative plan. A cookie-cutter approach will not work with job seekers. Most people seeking new jobs for whatever reason are somewhat vulnerable often requiring confidence building and reassurance. Job seeking is a learned skill with a process and steps to follow and it is vital to help people at an inclusive pace so they can add the skills along with sufficient confidence to use those new skills.

Don’t assume people know about all of the resources available to help themselves. Navigating the patchwork of services provided in each community is difficult and varies from community to community. While focused on employment issues, it is not uncommon to be asked to help connect job seekers with barriers to mental health services, housing, food, and other support groups. Free financial or legal aid providers or respite services are a frequent connection as well.

Step 1 – Build rapport and make a connection. To really build trust with a job seeker, you need to be genuinely interested in them as a person and to learn what they want for their career, the major factors in their lives, how they make decisions, and what their ideas of success are. A great way to learn about your job seekers is to complete your organization’s intake process yourself.

Step 3 – Educating your job seekers and their support network. People’s ability to find new jobs or careers varies greatly, some people only require small amounts of assistance while others require significantly more. Some function individually, and others with large barriers may have one or more people who assist and support them. Identifying the gap between their current situation and where they want to be requires prioritizing, creating plans, and then successfully implementing those plans. Identifying, connecting, and utilizing the community resources for education, skills training, costs, mentorships, and employment steps are all key roles in your job.

Appreciate failures will happen and be prepared to address anxiety and doubts. Preparation and hard work will make a difference but there are many variables outside your control and some will cause a job seeker to falter and even fail. Anticipate this will happen, coach your job seeker to be prepared, and how they can compensate by minimizing the impacts of setbacks.

“Lessons learned.” Every job seeker will experience failure, say the wrong thing, and despite all of the preparation will not be the person chosen. We ask job seekers when this happens, “What did you do right? What do you think you didn’t do well enough? And What would you do differently next time?” We debrief, rebuild confidence, encourage, and try again. We encourage job seekers not to rely on just one opportunity but to pursue multiple opportunities so that if one doesn’t result in a job offer, not only do they have a plan b, but a plan c, or d, or e.

There will be times you will work for free. The career advisors I know are not 9-5 clock watchers, they know their job is more than the money, and their job is about making a difference in people’s lives, often responding to questions or needs outside of normal hours.

Being a career advisor can be very frustrating.

Not only will your job seekers all come face to face with what will seem like impenetrable walls but you will as well. When this happens, take a breath and step back, regain your perspective, and remember, it’s not a wall, it’s just the next step in the process.

Being a career advisor ironically is a very precarious employment opportunity. The people I work with are all on short-term contracts. They are dedicated, driven to succeed, and usually work well away from the spotlight and when they help a job seeker find employment, they quickly turn their focus to the next person and begin working on the next step for that person. Currently, I am working with almost forty job seekers, all at a different place in their journeys. Doing this just might be the most challenging job I have ever had, but it is also one of the most rewarding.

To everyone who works with a career advisor, who benefits from working with a career advisor, or who is a career advisor.

Good luck and thank you.
