Having a Positive Influence

Do you remember a time when your life changed? We all have key days or experiences that fundamentally change our path through the maze of opportunities and challenges.

For me professionally, it was an eight-week course on “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” The course was provided as I approached a precipice in my career and not only saved me from myself but laid the groundwork for the success that I have achieved since; professionally, academically, and with great lessons in my personal life.

Lessons Learned.

I am currently a Project Manager. I have been other things, a consultant, retail executive, a motivational speaker, and more besides.
As a project manager, we record “lessons learned” so we might avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Using that principle, I am sharing some of my “lessons learned,” to help you or someone you know. Some you might have read before; some might be new. Please add your own in the comments.

Finding a safe and affordable place to live

Safe, affordable housing for everyone. Many people talk about affordable housing, but few really define what that is.

Unfortunately, safe and affordable housing simply doesn’t exist for many people. It is difficult enough for the average person or family, for vulnerable, low-income people and families the potential of homelessness is very real.

This post is intended to help navigate the very Darwinian market of housing supply and demand. In a small way, it might help to illuminate some of the questions, workarounds, solutions, and resources that are available to help.

Project Management Tips

Few teams in high school, college/university, and even in the work environment currently apply project management skills to everyday assignments and projects.

These skills can make a difference, eliminate frustration, and help transform groups of individuals into high-performance teams. These skills work on large construction projects, software design projects, and on any academic and work projects whether they are large or small.

Building People with a Team Charter

What is a team charter? It is a building block. It is an interactive and inclusive tool to give people in your organization the freedom, the space, and the ability to get things done.

I will not pretend that this post has all the answers. But in this post and in my other posts, you will find places to start. These posts all share three common themes, one is that you or your organization can start today, all they require is a change of thinking or a change of process and finally, the cost is virtually zero.

Revisiting Leadership

Effective leadership is not easy. An effective leader is always learning, always reinventing themselves, and always adapting their skills and approach to the current environment. To be successful, effective leaders cannot be entrenched they must constantly look at different perspectives and be aware of their blind spots.

Effective leaders never forget that leadership isn’t about them, it is about the people they lead. They are facilitators, they empower, and they are whatever the situation, their organization, and most importantly what their people need them to be.

Simple Considerations …

I have hoped in a small humorous way to highlight some things that people can change. All of these are relatively easy to fix, and they drive, not just me, crazy, but many others.

With all the stress, anxiety, and issues we all face today, correcting some or all these small “Richard” behaviors wouldn’t be difficult, so read this post and see what you think.

10 Warning Signs Your Meetings are in Trouble.

We have all experienced them.
The kind of meeting where the clock, if it seems to move at all crawls at a glacial pace. Far from being productive, the attendees have long since stopped paying attention and only want to find an escape so they can get some real work done.

Ineffective meetings frustrate everyone, the people attending them and the people running them.

The first step to resolution is to recognize the warning signs and then start today rectifying the situation.