For students of all ages, from teenagers to senior citizens

Recently, I listened to a story about how an entire generation of students are writing exams for the first time and that inspired me to write this post about how to prepare and write an exam. Whether you are one of those students; a high school or college student, or a professional preparing for a course exam; there should be something in this post to help you.

Things Everyone Should Know

You can make a difference. Start today and help reduce food wastage in your community. Food insecurity affects one in seven Canadians, we have enough food, and we need to ensure it gets to the people who need it in time. You will help your vulnerable neighbors and help reduce the impact of climate change.

Success is often found in small details

Often lost in everything that is written or said about great leadership are small, but very important attributes. Leadership is about building relationships with people, gaining willing cooperation, consistency, and thoughtfulness. Please take a few minutes, read this post, share the points, and add anything that you think is missing.

keeping a job – a short guide to standing out

I have been helped by some tremendous people throughout my career. To be able to pay back those people who took a chance on me, who mentored me, and who saw something in me worth saving and developing, is the primary reason I started doing these posts.

What is hiding in your blind spot?

What if the facts that you base your opinions on were wrong? Working in the charitable sector after a lifetime in private business has opened my eyes. Working with vulnerable people has given me a fresh perspective, and made me realize the importance of applying critical thinking to things I previously believed and supported.

Your Success Depends on People

My Dale Carnegie instructor once chided me for using “Never” and “Always” too much; however, I think even he might appreciate how I have used them in this post.

Take five minutes and read this. You won’t miss the time, and content may change the way you approach the people around you. Like the other posts on my blog this one is full of “Tools You Can Use Today.”

Finding a safe and affordable place to live

Safe, affordable housing for everyone. Many people talk about affordable housing, but few really define what that is.

Unfortunately, safe and affordable housing simply doesn’t exist for many people. It is difficult enough for the average person or family, for vulnerable, low-income people and families the potential of homelessness is very real.

This post is intended to help navigate the very Darwinian market of housing supply and demand. In a small way, it might help to illuminate some of the questions, workarounds, solutions, and resources that are available to help.

Building People with a Team Charter

What is a team charter? It is a building block. It is an interactive and inclusive tool to give people in your organization the freedom, the space, and the ability to get things done.

I will not pretend that this post has all the answers. But in this post and in my other posts, you will find places to start. These posts all share three common themes, one is that you or your organization can start today, all they require is a change of thinking or a change of process and finally, the cost is virtually zero.