This is why you can’t hire the people you want

Many small and medium-sized organizations struggle to find the right people in a competitive job environment. A step in the right direction is to stand apart from everyone else.

Give me five minutes of your time and you will not regret it.

What can you do?

You probably know several people experiencing food insecurity although you may not be aware they are.

In schools, the quiet child who sits by themselves at lunchtime may not have lunch. The new person who seems to have trouble concentrating late each day because they can’t afford breakfast. That older couple who just had their roof repaired and had to spend money that they didn’t have.

One in five people in our communities are experiencing food insecurity … they need our help … what can you do? Take five minutes and read this.

Mistakes were made …

Yesterday I read a report on why a community garden was rejected by complaints from its neighbors. The comments had a profound impact on me. As an advocate for vulnerable people, I was dismayed, angry, and shocked that any group of Canadians could be so incredibly self-absorbed and uncaring. The more I thought about it, the more upset I became. Then I reread the complaints and I realized what might be the reasons.

Revisiting Red Teams

Looking at new ideas and concepts through the eyes of the fearful and the critical can better prepare organizations for unintended consequences. Taking this empathetic approach can reveal weaknesses and potentially fatal issues. This process is called RED TEAMING.

Period Poverty

As a society, we have two responsibilities; the first is to illuminate period poverty so everyone can help to reduce the stigma that exists in schools, at home, and in work environments. Second, we can ensure that the supply of the right products in the right quantity is accessible to anyone who needs them.

… about issues at work

Sixteen-year-old students left to lock up, fourteen-year-old kids running meat cutting equipment, university or college students struggling to balance work/school demands, and more issues that are stressing students who work.

This post provides an introduction and links to help acquire the knowledge they need to know their rights in the workforce. Please share this post with students you know or with parents who have children working after-school and on weekends.

Re-thinking small city malls

Many small city malls have failed and deservedly so.

They didn’t fail because the basic concept is wrong. Many of these malls failed to adapt and were not flexible to the changing realities of the merchants they almost took for granted. Is it too late? Perhaps for some.

For merchants and mall operators with vision, there is an opportunity in my opinion. By combining social needs, 21st-century environmental practices with the basic convenience, utility, and economics of “one-stop” shopping … there is a future.

Awareness & Education

One in seven Canadians is affected by this problem as you read these words.

The problem is that this issue is a symptom of larger problems that require expensive and longer-term fixes. This post was meant to deal with 10 solutions, but even at a baker’s dozen, there are likely some missing.

Awareness and education is the first step.