Employer’s Expectations/Student’s Expectations

Recently I sold some property and when sought legal advice it was supplied by a lawyer who had been once a summer student I had worked with. Thinking about them, I thought about all of the other summer students I had been lucky enough to know. They inspired this post about things I wish I could tell future students as well as future employers.

I hope that you read this, apply the points, add to them, and share them. As employers we can make a tremendous difference for students. And, for students, consider the tips provided to help your employers as well.

“The customer is not always right”

“The customer is always right …” is not a valid argument. “The customer has rights,” is. You have rights and you have responsibilities.

Take a few minutes, you will find this to be a short guide to finding the right retail organizations for you.

Help to Make an Informed Decision

Part of my job for many years was to examine advertisements and figure out exactly what they really said. For you, whenever buying anything for your home or any other large purchase, take the time and do some research. Read what the advertisements say, filter out the noise, the gimmicks, and the fluff; and then make an informed decision.

I hope this post helps you to recognize the “hooks,” ask questions, and make an informed decision.

Success is often found in small details

Often lost in everything that is written or said about great leadership are small, but very important attributes. Leadership is about building relationships with people, gaining willing cooperation, consistency, and thoughtfulness. Please take a few minutes, read this post, share the points, and add anything that you think is missing.

21 Things you should know when Buying a Washer and Dryer

Recently a friend asked me for some tips on what to look for when buying a mattress. As a former furniture and appliance manager/buyer, it was nice to help them out. Someone else asked about Laundry Teams so this one is for them.

We all try to help with what we have to offer.

B2C/C2B – Building Connectivity between business and charity

Supporting charities and operating a profitable business are not mutually exclusive.

Businesses can help in so many ways, but like any collaboration, charities and service clubs can also help businesses.

If you let them … instead help them with tools, training, and a process that works.

Nothing about difficult situations and angry people is ever simple.

Rarely is there one trigger and one solution. Nuance, exceptions, and the lack of anything resembling black and white all are factors in finding solutions to their problems. There is never just one or two sides to a story, there are usually forty-two sides!

This post is about a process, the tools, and the training required to anticipate, avoid, and ultimately how to deal with these situations when they occur.

FP/NFP – The Key is Customer Service

The concept of “No wrong door” is a great philosophy to build “customer service” standards. Regardless of whom a client/customer speaks to, each associate has been trained to help that person work towards solving his or her problem. That does not mean that everyone is cross-trained on every nuance and issue that a customer might have. It means that each associate understands the importance of the following, and they know that how each client/customer is handled in every single encounter determines whether the organization will be successful or not.