An Insider’s guide to preparing for winter.

Today was a hot humid day in mid-September … not a day many people are thinking about winter. It doesn’t have to be today, but before the month is over, consider your plans for dealing with winter for your people.

Useful tips to “Pick yourself back up.”

Do you have days where everything seems more difficult than it should be? Days where you feel overworked and underappreciated? I do.

What do you do? How do you find the strength to get up the next day when all you feel like is hitting snooze and going back to sleep? These are the things I do and they work for me, see what you think, try them, share them, and add to them.

One of the hardest things we do …

Finding a job or reinventing yourself after leaving a job can be one of the most difficult situations we face in life. Help is available in virtually every region. There is also a focus, a series of steps, something similar to Abraham Maslow’s famous Hierarchy of Needs, that can help achieve your goals.

This post is a little longer than normal, but it is worth the extra few minutes. Please use it, share it, and please add your suggestions to help people who are struggling.

The “HOW” of better meetings

Your people are your greatest resource.

Facilitating great meetings will encourage them, teach them, provide them with opportunities and the tools they need. You need to listen to them, inspire them, and train them. Running good meetings is a “learned” skill that few of us every master completely. Done well, your meetings will create the conditions for growth and efficiencies, regardless of the type of organization you are part of.

This is a place to begin.

An open letter of help to an entrepreneur and a friend.

People who start a new enterprise are rare and worthy of our praise. Only a few survive, fewer still thrive; however, that does not diminish their bravery. They are committed to making their dream a reality … sometimes they need a little help and that’s what this post is all about.

You should be MRD

If you are not MRD, finding a new job or career is much more difficult. Being MRD as well as doing the other twenty tips in this post will give you a competitive edge and help you to stand out.

More than doing just one thing …

I began as a good manager but a poor leader. I benefited from good mentors and people who believed in my potential and through hard work, and many missteps, I have become a better manager and a good leader. In a small way, I hope this post repays their faith and helps you.

Success does not result from a single action, success is the cumulative result of hundreds of small intricate actions and decisions; but most importantly success comes from treating your people well.

Navigating Leadership Traps

Leadership has many rewards and many costs, in striving to achieve success we can develop habits that seem worthwhile and often cross boundaries that we aren’t aware of.

Consider this post, a brief guide to remembering “How you achieve success” is as important as the “Success you achieve.” Please feel free to comment and add your own suggestions.

Employment Common Ground

What does it take to get a job? The answers are as varied as are the number of careers and opportunities. There are however, some universal ground rules that transcend virtually very sector.

Employer’s Expectations/Student’s Expectations

Recently I sold some property and when sought legal advice it was supplied by a lawyer who had been once a summer student I had worked with. Thinking about them, I thought about all of the other summer students I had been lucky enough to know. They inspired this post about things I wish I could tell future students as well as future employers.

I hope that you read this, apply the points, add to them, and share them. As employers we can make a tremendous difference for students. And, for students, consider the tips provided to help your employers as well.