CULTURE 101 – Onboarding

Great companies do a great job ON-BOARDING their new associates. In the excitement and rush of hiring new associates many companies miss this vital step.
Here are some quick tips to help your company.
In 1500 words or less, each post will give you something you can use TODAY to build yourself, your people and your organization whether your organization is a "for-profit" or a "not-for-profit."
There will be a variety of posts, encompassing everything from hiring checklists to training ideas and documents based on more than 25 years of experience and learning from the best people in the business.
Great companies do a great job ON-BOARDING their new associates. In the excitement and rush of hiring new associates many companies miss this vital step.
Here are some quick tips to help your company.
Sometimes it will seem like nothing will ever satisfy your boss, don’t give up. Here are some tips to consider that might help.
Establishing clarity and purpose for a new associate is one of the most fundamental things an organization can do, your culture starts here.
Leadership doesn’t have to be complicated and its not all about charisma, it’s about people, it’s about respect, it’s about doing small things well.
Starting a new job can be a time of anxiety and discomfort because your comfort zone has been turned upside down. These are a few of the points that I share with new associates when they start working.
I have been a leader, supervisor, or manager for most of my life and one thing in particular is something I always tried to overcome was the fear that some people have about speaking honestly me. Fortunately, many of the people I have been responsible for, have done that, and as a result, together we succeeded, and our staff turnover was greatly reduced.
Most businesses do not dedicate enough time to planning what kind of person they need, don’t make that mistake. Decide what you want, create a job description, create an advertisement, what are the important questions for an interview, do the interview with at least one other person, make your decision, and then ON-BOARD them properly