Organizational Fear … what are your people afraid of?

Admitting fear makes someone vulnerable. Being vulnerable is not something that many people are willing to discuss.

To reveal the fears in your organization there must be a culture of non-judgment, open communication, and earned trust. If those three elements are in place, then by listening and watching it is possible to identify fears and the people who are suffering.

Revisiting Red Teams

Looking at new ideas and concepts through the eyes of the fearful and the critical can better prepare organizations for unintended consequences. Taking this empathetic approach can reveal weaknesses and potentially fatal issues. This process is called RED TEAMING.

Period Poverty

As a society, we have two responsibilities; the first is to illuminate period poverty so everyone can help to reduce the stigma that exists in schools, at home, and in work environments. Second, we can ensure that the supply of the right products in the right quantity is accessible to anyone who needs them.

A Short Guide to Avoiding Self-inflicted Interview Mistakes

Many of us have been there, we took the time to have a “kick-ass” resume, nailed the cover letter, had some great references, got an interview, and then got to the interview … and something happened, with the job in sight, just like an overconfident race car driver, we crashed in the final corner and didn’t get the job.

Want to know why? How to prevent it from happening again, or to help someone else?

Checkout this short guide …

The small things make all the difference

Hiring the right person for any position is part craft and part science. You are dealing with experiences and trying to gauge potential. Reviewing these few points at the end of each interview with your co-interviewer can give you insights into the applicant that might just be enough to influence your decision on who to hire. They can make the difference between hiring someone who “could do the job” and hiring a person “who can excel at the job and grow with your organization”.

Using Theatre to Train Your Team

Everyone joins an organization with varying levels of skills and experience.  The effective use of role-playing can generate incremental leaps in capabilities through fostering interactive learning between co-workers. 

Make your meetings count …

Good meetings don’t just happen. Preparation, Planning and Practice make good meetings. Good meeting techniques, like your organization, change and evolve. Some meetings will be better than others but your goal should be to have your people leave your meetings feeling like they understand what is going on, why something is happening, and be excited about moving forward.

What’s holding YOU back?

Leadership takes many forms; I seldom hire the hard-driving people mentioned at the start of this post. Instead, I look for the quiet leaders, the people who appreciate that their organization succeeds when all of the people who comprise our team succeed. People who care, they may not always be the ones who attempt to be “in charge”, often they are the ones who work the hardest and set the best examples; these are the ones who I hire and promote.