We all struggle with decisions sometimes

Recognizing key opportunities, considering different doors to open or ignore, and making difficult choices are learned skills.

We have all struggled to learn the skills necessary to make better choices. This approach was shared with me, and it helps, see if these tools will help you or someone your know.

Things to consider …

Good organizations want to find good people and good people are seeking jobs with good organizations. In today’s “Tools Everyone Can Use,” there are tips for both sides to use that work that you can start using right now that will make a difference.


oining a new organization can be both exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. Everyone wants to adjust, fit in, and begin making a contribution as soon as possible. Many people, myself included, can struggle with finding that sense of belonging. Everyone knows what they want to do, just finding the “how” to make that happen is what is difficult.

Building Connectivity and Engagement

Recently I attended a local job fair. Individually all of the participants, job seekers/employers/and organizers, did a good job … but some things were missing.

I came away from the job fair the same way I always do, frustrated and disappointed, as I suspect did many other people. I decided to offer some suggestions or “Tools Everyone Could Use” whether a job-seeker, employer, or organizer … see what you think.

What to keep, what to lose.

Your resume is an advertisement. A very specific tool to show a prospective employer you should be invited for an interview.

It is not your biography of everything you have done in your life. Too many resumes fail for this reason, my own included.

Take a few minutes, see what you should unpack, repack, and create a resume that shows your skills, your experiences, and why you are the best person to be hired.