Employment Common Ground

What does it take to get a job? The answers are as varied as are the number of careers and opportunities. There are however, some universal ground rules that transcend virtually very sector.

Employer’s Expectations/Student’s Expectations

Recently I sold some property and when sought legal advice it was supplied by a lawyer who had been once a summer student I had worked with. Thinking about them, I thought about all of the other summer students I had been lucky enough to know. They inspired this post about things I wish I could tell future students as well as future employers.

I hope that you read this, apply the points, add to them, and share them. As employers we can make a tremendous difference for students. And, for students, consider the tips provided to help your employers as well.

We all struggle with decisions sometimes

Recognizing key opportunities, considering different doors to open or ignore, and making difficult choices are learned skills.

We have all struggled to learn the skills necessary to make better choices. This approach was shared with me, and it helps, see if these tools will help you or someone your know.

Things to consider …

Good organizations want to find good people and good people are seeking jobs with good organizations. In today’s “Tools Everyone Can Use,” there are tips for both sides to use that work that you can start using right now that will make a difference.