“People who move rocks out of your path”

In a book I was listening to recently, the author praised people who take the time to clear obstacles from other people’s paths. The author’s explanation and examples had a very powerful effect on me. The book inspired me to write about people who moved “rocks” for me and for people I have known.

“Nobody seems to want to work today!  We can’t find anyone who wants to work for us.”

The real problem is some organizations are struggling to find people using tools and strategies that worked in the past but these tools haven’t been updated for the employment environment that exists today. It doesn’t matter if the organization is a “for-profit” or “not-for-profit.” In many ways the problem is a basic supply and demand problem, however, there are many more variables in the equation today than ever before.

Job Loss Trauma … finding a way back

My posts are about things that I know, things that I have seen, experienced, or situations where I helped people and organizations. This post is about a trauma that is common, many people have suffered through it in the past, some are experiencing it right now, and still, more will experience it in the future.

Mistakes were made …

Yesterday I read a report on why a community garden was rejected by complaints from its neighbors. The comments had a profound impact on me. As an advocate for vulnerable people, I was dismayed, angry, and shocked that any group of Canadians could be so incredibly self-absorbed and uncaring. The more I thought about it, the more upset I became. Then I reread the complaints and I realized what might be the reasons.

Organizational Fear … what are your people afraid of?

Admitting fear makes someone vulnerable. Being vulnerable is not something that many people are willing to discuss.

To reveal the fears in your organization there must be a culture of non-judgment, open communication, and earned trust. If those three elements are in place, then by listening and watching it is possible to identify fears and the people who are suffering.

Revisiting Red Teams

Looking at new ideas and concepts through the eyes of the fearful and the critical can better prepare organizations for unintended consequences. Taking this empathetic approach can reveal weaknesses and potentially fatal issues. This process is called RED TEAMING.

Period Poverty

As a society, we have two responsibilities; the first is to illuminate period poverty so everyone can help to reduce the stigma that exists in schools, at home, and in work environments. Second, we can ensure that the supply of the right products in the right quantity is accessible to anyone who needs them.

A Short Guide to Avoiding Self-inflicted Interview Mistakes

Many of us have been there, we took the time to have a “kick-ass” resume, nailed the cover letter, had some great references, got an interview, and then got to the interview … and something happened, with the job in sight, just like an overconfident race car driver, we crashed in the final corner and didn’t get the job.

Want to know why? How to prevent it from happening again, or to help someone else?

Checkout this short guide …