What are the things you don’t see?

A famous racecar driver once said that races are won by how fast you get through the corners, not how fast you go in a straight line.  Many organizations focus on the flash and sizzle of their worlds, ignoring at their peril the routine and perceived “basic” things.  Failure to acknowledge and overcome Organizational Vulnerabilities are the things that will cause your team to fail. 

Awareness & Education

One in seven Canadians is affected by this problem as you read these words.

The problem is that this issue is a symptom of larger problems that require expensive and longer-term fixes. This post was meant to deal with 10 solutions, but even at a baker’s dozen, there are likely some missing.

Awareness and education is the first step.

Its time to go

You want to be in control of your career.

By recognizing the signs for what they are, especially if you are a long-term employee of your organization, you can start planning and preparing. You want to do things on your terms.

You might be scared, you might feel stuck financially or because of family responsibilities or/and because of the the lack of opportunities; all of those are natural responses.

Embracing rather than ignoring, will allow you to take the steps necessary to secure your future.

Surviving a bad boss

Having a bad boss can cause very real stress and anxiety. Remember, you have rights and you have options.

If you feel stuck because of family obligations, financial pressures or because there is a lack of opportunities, do not despair. There is help and there are choices.


Encountering difficult staff … is only a matter of time in any organization.

People working together are going to disagree. Add pressure, deadlines, and even situations outside of work and – as an owner or supervisor – you will have to have a difficult conversation with one or more of your associates.

Plan and prepare for when that time comes.

Everyone is Nervous

The ability to make presentations is not a skill that you are born with. You may know people who seem to be perfectly calm and natural in front of groups of people; maybe they are, but I am willing to bet that they can still be a little uncomfortable in front of a crowd.  They have simply practiced the skill of public speaking.  This post will give you some tips and tools that can help you get better at presenting in front of people.