A place to start

As an organization, owner, executive director, manager, volunteer or as a co-worker, you may know someone who does not have or really doesn’t understand “tenant’s insurance”.
In 1500 words or less, each post will give you something you can use TODAY to build yourself, your people and your organization whether your organization is a "for-profit" or a "not-for-profit."
As an organization, owner, executive director, manager, volunteer or as a co-worker, you may know someone who does not have or really doesn’t understand “tenant’s insurance”.
Most people don’t think about food insecurity when they think about food in Canada. Food insecure people regularly don’t have enough to eat for themselves or their families. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world, but yet we have a food insecurity problem that needs to have a spotlight shone it.
Although the focus of this post is on “Retail Management,” the issues discussed are transferable to many other sectors.
Retail management can make you feel like a “pin-ball” some days as you juggle the inevitable day to day questions and issues that fill a manager’s or supervisor’s day. It is important to remember that the interruptions that keep you from doing your job actually are your job! Taking care of your associate’s questions and allowing them to look after your customers or your clients is really, what makes a manager successful.
As an organization, owner, manager or supervisor, volunteer, or as a co-worker, do you know someone that you suspect does not have or really does not understand what insurance they should have?
At one time, I mistakenly believed these two types of organizations were mutually exclusive. While there are certainly differences, they share many similarities and have common issues.
Having worked closely with many successful leaders over my career, here are some of the fundamental rules that they lived by:
I have been fortunate that in my career I have had several mentors who have had a significant impact on my life. Some on a personal level who provided inspiration at key life moments, some academically as I struggled and questioned whether I could continue. I have also benefited professionally from several mentors who have helped in the past, now, and hopefully into the future.
“Good to great” is the title of an excellent book by Jim Collins. Collins writes about how some of the good organizations made themselves great organizations by doing things well that were available to everyone in their sectors, but only a few made the effort. As a commission sales associate, you have the same opportunity. The things that you need to do to become truly great are at your fingertips, the same way that they are for everyone else, as with the examples in his book, only the great sales associates do them.
Did you know that Students and young workers have a much greater chance of being hurt in the workplace than older workers?
Part of the reason is inexperience and lack of training; another part though is a lack of understanding of the protections that are in place for all workers regardless of experience. Consider this to be an introduction which outlines some of the government legislated protections that are in place for you.
Having endured some painfully boring meetings and tedious presentations in my career, I wanted to share some lessons from some of the very best leaders and presenters I have met.
Often over-looked and underappreciated students represent a great opportunity for virtually for every kind of organization. For students: summer jobs are a way to earn extra money, save for school, to gain valuable experience, and to begin to establish their reputations. For organizations: hiring students can bring fresh energy and ideas, and it can be a great way to help your community. Make no mistake there is a steep learning curve on all sides; however, taking a moment and reviewing these eighteen tips may help make that curve a little less precipitous.