More than doing just one thing …

I began as a good manager but a poor leader. I benefited from good mentors and people who believed in my potential and through hard work, and many missteps, I have become a better manager and a good leader. In a small way, I hope this post repays their faith and helps you.

Success does not result from a single action, success is the cumulative result of hundreds of small intricate actions and decisions; but most importantly success comes from treating your people well.

Employment Common Ground

What does it take to get a job? The answers are as varied as are the number of careers and opportunities. There are however, some universal ground rules that transcend virtually very sector.

We all struggle with decisions sometimes

Recognizing key opportunities, considering different doors to open or ignore, and making difficult choices are learned skills.

We have all struggled to learn the skills necessary to make better choices. This approach was shared with me, and it helps, see if these tools will help you or someone your know.

We all want to make a difference, from the most senior to the most junior, the need has never been greater. Use this as a starting point for your own contribution, add/subtract as you wish, but please start now.

Just how easily it can happen.

Sometimes it is too easy to blame the victims rather than to work on solutions to the cause. Not a week goes by where a municipality is not trying to dismantle an encampment of people experiencing homelessness. Our media is full of outraged politicians and community members demanding action be taken, often punitive action.

One of the missing elements in these diatribes is “How” people come to experience homelessness. Few of those demanding punitive action realize just how precarious they and we are.

Could it happen to you, to me, to your friends, and even your grandparents, it could and it could happen faster than you can think.


oining a new organization can be both exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. Everyone wants to adjust, fit in, and begin making a contribution as soon as possible. Many people, myself included, can struggle with finding that sense of belonging. Everyone knows what they want to do, just finding the “how” to make that happen is what is difficult.

Subtleties of working with people … Take a short quiz.

I hope as an entrepreneur, manager, supervisor, or someone who aspires to take on any of those roles, you will ask yourself “Would you work for you?”

To be truly effective as a leader, you must consider the effects of your decisions, systems and processes, and their impacts on your people. My challenge today is to take a few minutes and consider the questions in this post. It is possible to be a manager but not a leader, considering this quiz may help you to become better at both.

What if it were your child …

I am writing this a few days before Christmas, my family is gathering, gifts and food have been bought, and we are not alone in these preparations. Like many Canadians, although I may appreciate and have awareness of what is happening to other people, they are an abstraction, in my reality I literally have blinders on, and we are blind to the reality our lives are not representative of the majority of people on our planet.

Yet, as I write this and as you read my words, life is happening for other people; and it is not the life we have. I hope you read this, and help to begin to make more of a difference for people who do not share in our prosperity.

GOING TO MARKET – Tips for Small and Medium-sized Organizations

The original purpose of my website was to offer free tips and advice to the people who run and work for small and medium-sized organizations. Admittedly I have diverged somewhat to include many of the community social issues that impact and also can be impacted by these same organizations. Working in the charitable sector also made me realize many other organizations could benefit from the “lessons learned” included in these tips.

Today’s post is about procurement and/or buying of products and services particularly for people who run and work in organizations where everyone wears multiple hats.

21 Questions/Lessons Learned

Small and medium-sized organizations, retailers, service companies, and even charitable organizations struggle even in good times. When inflation is high, the labour market is tight, and competitive pressures cause many sleepless nights it is an even greater struggle.

Success, the ability to adapt and overcome is achievable, a good place to start is to consider the lessons learned in “beware the rabbit hole.”