With Freedom Comes Responsibility

Politics and elections is more than 10 second sound bites and popular slogans. We seem to have grown apathetic towards our democracies and take our rights as something we will always have.

Most of the world does not live the way we do … if we are not careful our rights and democracy could disappear while we are watching.

Read this as a beginning, ask questions, become interested, become engaged, and vote whenever you have the opportunity.

Things to consider …

Good organizations want to find good people and good people are seeking jobs with good organizations. In today’s “Tools Everyone Can Use,” there are tips for both sides to use that work that you can start using right now that will make a difference.

21 Questions/Lessons Learned

Small and medium-sized organizations, retailers, service companies, and even charitable organizations struggle even in good times. When inflation is high, the labour market is tight, and competitive pressures cause many sleepless nights it is an even greater struggle.

Success, the ability to adapt and overcome is achievable, a good place to start is to consider the lessons learned in “beware the rabbit hole.”

Turning the page on price focused marketing

Marketing and advertising is all about us; however, the vast majority is just “noise,” and too many small and medium-sized merchants get caught up in that noise. Today’s post is about “turning the page on price” to focus on those things that add value for your customers and clients.

Mind the gap.

Many organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of “On-Boarding” new people to their teams. Taking the time to introduce “Team Charters” and developing “living processes” that help nurture and develop people are vital to increase staff retention. Managing “off-boarding” is also important. It is a process that should not be ignored, to gain valuable insights and feedback but also to ensure the organizational relationship is ended properly.

Tools Everyone Can Use to Handle Pressure

A friend asked for a post on pressure. I wrote this with them in mind using tools other have shared with me. I hope that it might help other people as well. Handling pressure is a learned skill and sharing skills and stories is a great way to help friends and family.

Things Everyone Should Know

You can make a difference. Start today and help reduce food wastage in your community. Food insecurity affects one in seven Canadians, we have enough food, and we need to ensure it gets to the people who need it in time. You will help your vulnerable neighbors and help reduce the impact of climate change.

Overcoming Stress and Anxiety

I have lived with stress and anxiety all my life. Each day I feel them. Usually, I can manage their effects using some of the coping tools I have learned. Some days are better than others. I know that I am not alone in feeling this way. Give me five minutes of your time and maybe some of my tools can help you or someone you know.

Solving your problems …

This post is a little different.

Looking for work is a challenging experience. I am looking for an opportunity.

I don’t expect anyone to hire me because they “feel bad for my situation,” I intend to find an organization that believes what I have to offer can solve their problems and help them achieve their goals.

I have learned that it doesn’t matter how a person has gotten to be where they are, as much as it matters what they are doing to move forward.

I want to reach out to everyone I know and who knows me to offer my unique skillset, experiences, and intrinsic abilities to make a difference.