What to do when you or someone you care about loses their job …

Employers call it different things, “Termination with cause, Termination without cause, Permanent Layoff, Downsizing, Relocation displacement, and many other terms;” what it is called doesn’t matter the effect is the same, you no longer have a job.

The impact can be both sudden and devastating. From my own personal experience how it affects you will change your life. What I have written today are some “lessons learned” from my own experience and from people I trust that can help. They can help you if you are experiencing losing your job, and/or they can help someone you know who needs help.

Success is often found in small details

Often lost in everything that is written or said about great leadership are small, but very important attributes. Leadership is about building relationships with people, gaining willing cooperation, consistency, and thoughtfulness. Please take a few minutes, read this post, share the points, and add anything that you think is missing.

Making a difference …

The problems we face as individuals, in our work, with our families, and as a society often can seem incredibly overwhelming.

You can’t change everything, but you can change some things, start where you are. Try these suggestions; they work, and they can help you to make a difference …