What to do when you or someone you care about loses their job …

Employers call it different things, “Termination with cause, Termination without cause, Permanent Layoff, Downsizing, Relocation displacement, and many other terms;” what it is called doesn’t matter the effect is the same, you no longer have a job.

The impact can be both sudden and devastating. From my own personal experience how it affects you will change your life. What I have written today are some “lessons learned” from my own experience and from people I trust that can help. They can help you if you are experiencing losing your job, and/or they can help someone you know who needs help.

21 Questions/Lessons Learned

Small and medium-sized organizations, retailers, service companies, and even charitable organizations struggle even in good times. When inflation is high, the labour market is tight, and competitive pressures cause many sleepless nights it is an even greater struggle.

Success, the ability to adapt and overcome is achievable, a good place to start is to consider the lessons learned in “beware the rabbit hole.”