Having a Positive Influence

Do you remember a time when your life changed? We all have key days or experiences that fundamentally change our path through the maze of opportunities and challenges.

For me professionally, it was an eight-week course on “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” The course was provided as I approached a precipice in my career and not only saved me from myself but laid the groundwork for the success that I have achieved since; professionally, academically, and with great lessons in my personal life.

Finding a safe and affordable place to live

Safe, affordable housing for everyone. Many people talk about affordable housing, but few really define what that is.

Unfortunately, safe and affordable housing simply doesn’t exist for many people. It is difficult enough for the average person or family, for vulnerable, low-income people and families the potential of homelessness is very real.

This post is intended to help navigate the very Darwinian market of housing supply and demand. In a small way, it might help to illuminate some of the questions, workarounds, solutions, and resources that are available to help.

Culture and Teamwork

More than ever, I appreciate how an organization uses its culture to develop ideas and concepts through its people.

Systems and processes are important but how an organization collaborates with its people is what really sets it apart. It doesn’t matter whether your organization is small or large, these tools can help everyone.

Things everyone should know about Food Security

August 31st will be my final day as Food Security Coordinator for the United Way of Bruce Grey.

For the past two years, my job has been to build awareness of food insecurity, improve connectivity between the 50+ food organizations in Bruce Grey, and assist each of the 300+ volunteers and staff as much as possible. I have learned so much about the important work all of them do. These very dedicated people need our assistance to alleviate and to also eliminate food insecurity as an issue throughout Canada.

An unexpected chapter – Making a difference

The size and scope of food insecurity or hunger is a very real and a very large problem. This two-year chapter in my life has allowed me to work with so many unique and dedicated people all of whom deserve as much praise and recognition as we can give them.

Anyone can be caught by their ego and silos

Working effectively with people is fundamental to any success you will achieve. You are learning to recognize and give people around you permission to reign in your ego. Be constantly vigilant to prevent walls and silos from being built around you. Finally, appreciate that you will succeed faster and longer by realizing that you make mistakes.


Most of us born in the last fifty years have heard the lyrics to John Lennon’s iconic song, “Imagine.” It has resonated on many levels with many people since its release in 1971.

For an increasing number of people, the reality of their lives almost exists in an entirely different universe than the one we live in.

Change our views and perspectives

Homelessness is a very real problem in our communities.
It is also much closer to more people than many realize. Take a moment and calculate what would happen to you, your family, and your lifestyle if you suddenly lost your source of income. What if you were suddenly struck by enormous medical bills.

The lack of safe and affordable housing, in particular, emergency housing is beyond the crisis point. When the solution is giving individuals and families “tents,” action is needed.

Business and social issues topics, are not mutually exclusive.