
Most of us born in the last fifty years have heard the lyrics to John Lennon’s iconic song, “Imagine.” It has resonated on many levels with many people since its release in 1971.

For an increasing number of people, the reality of their lives almost exists in an entirely different universe than the one we live in.

A Good Place to Start

Becoming a good leader means embarking on a path that never ends. People, organizations, and the leader themselves will evolve, change, and adapt in response to their changing world.

I have learned while being mentored by some incredible people. Three of those lessons helped to shape my entire philosophy of leadership, “Humility, Consideration, and Determination.”

Quitting over a flashlight …

We had thought we were inclusive, but we realized we needed to do even more. We discovered the real driving force for our continued success was because we learned to appreciate, acknowledge, and respond to the blind spots that we didn’t even know were there.

Start small, but start now.

Failing should be taught to more students

Learning “how” to fail might just be the most important skill that doesn’t get taught to students. As an instructor or leader, I always hoped that everyone would always succeed in everything they tried and never experience failure.

I knew and continue to learn that avoiding failure is unlikely and not always the best thing for people. Take a few moments and see what I mean.

B2C/C2B – Building Connectivity between business and charity

Supporting charities and operating a profitable business are not mutually exclusive.

Businesses can help in so many ways, but like any collaboration, charities and service clubs can also help businesses.

Every organization has drama … what you do about it makes all the difference.

Every organization has drama.

Drama is virtually impossible to avoid because organizations consist of people and when you have two or more people together, the potential for drama exists.

That’s not cynical, in my experience, that’s just how things work. Whether it’s good or bad depends on how the organization reacts to and anticipates drama.

Tips for Entrepreneurs, Executive Directors, Managers and other Leaders

Big and innovative ideas aren’t the issue, putting big and innovative ideas into reality is the issue.  Many entrepreneurs, consultants, managers, executive directors, and the people working for them have shared these lessons will me. 

They work.  Use them, share them, and build your organization.