GOING TO MARKET – Tips for Small and Medium-sized Organizations

The original purpose of my website was to offer free tips and advice to the people who run and work for small and medium-sized organizations. Admittedly I have diverged somewhat to include many of the community social issues that impact and also can be impacted by these same organizations. Working in the charitable sector also made me realize many other organizations could benefit from the “lessons learned” included in these tips.

Today’s post is about procurement and/or buying of products and services particularly for people who run and work in organizations where everyone wears multiple hats.

21 Questions/Lessons Learned

Small and medium-sized organizations, retailers, service companies, and even charitable organizations struggle even in good times. When inflation is high, the labour market is tight, and competitive pressures cause many sleepless nights it is an even greater struggle.

Success, the ability to adapt and overcome is achievable, a good place to start is to consider the lessons learned in “beware the rabbit hole.”

Leading by example … one mentor’s difference

I write “Tools Everyone Can Use,” for small and medium-sized organizations, community issues we should all know about, and personal stories that might help people professionally, academically, and/or personally.

Today I am writing about a singularly unique person; what makes him remarkable isn’t what he has done, it’s about his willingness to share what he has learned and how that knowledge ripples outward from him.

This post reflects his generational ripples and it is my hope that anyone who reads this will be able to use his lessons to make a difference for themselves.

A Primer for Small and Medium-sized Organizations

Organizational toxicity is a major problem for some small and medium-sized organizations. Failing to acknowledge and effectively remove the toxic elements could result in poor morale, low staff retention, and left unchecked the elimination of the organization itself.

Today’s post is a primer, a short guide to creating a plan to change the dynamics of your organization for leaders, managers, and everyone else in the affected organization.

Tools Everyone Can Use

Perhaps the most important of the posts for small and medium sized organizations of all stripes I have written so far. Looking after your people effectively will make the difference between success and becoming a “train wreck.”

When your organization is not your organization

Internal dynamics in any organization are interesting. All organizations, large or small, for-profit or not, all face external challenges. What happens though, when the greatest threats to growth, adaptation, and evolution come from inside?

Common denominators

People are the heart and soul of any organization. Finding the “perfect” hire seldom occurs, when any organization “goes to market” the best they can hope for is to find the very best person available. The search can be difficult, but can be made easier by looking for the common denominators the “best people” often share.

Adapting, Improvising, and Overcoming

For small and medium-size organizations of all stripes, finding good people in a challenging labor market has never been harder. Take five minutes and consider some unconventional solutions.

Avoiding drama, politics, and bull#@%!

This post was inspired by a series of miscalculations and mistakes I unfortunately helped to create. The end result was the exit of a very good person from an organization I care about deeply. What follows is a summary of our “lesson’s learned” that we will apply for the next time.