The “HOW” of better meetings

Your people are your greatest resource.

Facilitating great meetings will encourage them, teach them, provide them with opportunities and the tools they need. You need to listen to them, inspire them, and train them. Running good meetings is a “learned” skill that few of us every master completely. Done well, your meetings will create the conditions for growth and efficiencies, regardless of the type of organization you are part of.

This is a place to begin.

Ask your people, “Do our meetings suck? … … lessons for every sector from retail to charities

At the risk of being flippant, this topic is very important. Too many meetings and training sessions for organizations are ineffective. This post is just a start, but it is a good place to start thinking about make changes in your approach to meetings. Leading innovative, interesting, and effective meetings and training sessions can make the difference between engagement and failure.

10 Warning Signs Your Meetings are in Trouble.

We have all experienced them.
The kind of meeting where the clock, if it seems to move at all crawls at a glacial pace. Far from being productive, the attendees have long since stopped paying attention and only want to find an escape so they can get some real work done.

Ineffective meetings frustrate everyone, the people attending them and the people running them.

The first step to resolution is to recognize the warning signs and then start today rectifying the situation.

Make your meetings count …

Good meetings don’t just happen. Preparation, Planning and Practice make good meetings. Good meeting techniques, like your organization, change and evolve. Some meetings will be better than others but your goal should be to have your people leave your meetings feeling like they understand what is going on, why something is happening, and be excited about moving forward.