TOOLS EVERYONE CAN USE – A guide to groceries

Inflation, shrinkflation, rising costs are hitting everyone from all sides. This is a short guide to some simple tools that everyone can use or share with someone who could use a little help making their food budget work.

Please take a few minutes and see what you think, if you have your own ideas to share, please add them to the comments.

Things Everyone Should Know

You can make a difference. Start today and help reduce food wastage in your community. Food insecurity affects one in seven Canadians, we have enough food, and we need to ensure it gets to the people who need it in time. You will help your vulnerable neighbors and help reduce the impact of climate change.

Things everyone should know about Food Security

August 31st will be my final day as Food Security Coordinator for the United Way of Bruce Grey.

For the past two years, my job has been to build awareness of food insecurity, improve connectivity between the 50+ food organizations in Bruce Grey, and assist each of the 300+ volunteers and staff as much as possible. I have learned so much about the important work all of them do. These very dedicated people need our assistance to alleviate and to also eliminate food insecurity as an issue throughout Canada.

An unexpected chapter – Making a difference

The size and scope of food insecurity or hunger is a very real and a very large problem. This two-year chapter in my life has allowed me to work with so many unique and dedicated people all of whom deserve as much praise and recognition as we can give them.

What can you do?

You probably know several people experiencing food insecurity although you may not be aware they are.

In schools, the quiet child who sits by themselves at lunchtime may not have lunch. The new person who seems to have trouble concentrating late each day because they can’t afford breakfast. That older couple who just had their roof repaired and had to spend money that they didn’t have.

One in five people in our communities are experiencing food insecurity … they need our help … what can you do? Take five minutes and read this.

Awareness & Education

One in seven Canadians is affected by this problem as you read these words.

The problem is that this issue is a symptom of larger problems that require expensive and longer-term fixes. This post was meant to deal with 10 solutions, but even at a baker’s dozen, there are likely some missing.

Awareness and education is the first step.

Stigma and Food Insecurity

All of us are affected by social stigma. On occasion, we are the victim of it. Other times we can perpetuate it. Stigma and bias can result from the best of intentions as easily as it can be the result of ignorance. People may want to impose their concept of “what is right” or to help someone to “avoid making a mistake.” Stigma is especially prevalent for people who suffer from poverty or are from marginalized communities.

12 things I’ll bet you didn’t know about food.

Most people don’t think about food insecurity when they think about food in Canada. Food insecure people regularly don’t have enough to eat for themselves or their families. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world, but yet we have a food insecurity problem that needs to have a spotlight shone it.