Anyone can be caught by their ego and silos

Working effectively with people is fundamental to any success you will achieve. You are learning to recognize and give people around you permission to reign in your ego. Be constantly vigilant to prevent walls and silos from being built around you. Finally, appreciate that you will succeed faster and longer by realizing that you make mistakes.

Working in the Weeds – Front liners

In my experience and observation the organization that causes the most stress and anxiety for its people and leaders … is usually their organization.

We have a responsibility to recognize, appreciate and acknowledge, and most importantly to help alleviate that stress for our people.
The closer people are to your “front-lines,” the more people “working in the weeds,” the more stress and anxiety they likely feel.

Some stress is good, too much is never good …

Is your daily focus simply on “surviving” each day? What follows are some simple ideas that can help you have your life again, achieve a better work/life balance, and “grow” your business or organization.

These are not my ideas, these are lessons learned from some of the best leaders and entrepreneurs I have met in more than thirty years in the “for-profit” and “charitable” sectors.


Most of us born in the last fifty years have heard the lyrics to John Lennon’s iconic song, “Imagine.” It has resonated on many levels with many people since its release in 1971.

For an increasing number of people, the reality of their lives almost exists in an entirely different universe than the one we live in.

Change our views and perspectives

Homelessness is a very real problem in our communities.
It is also much closer to more people than many realize. Take a moment and calculate what would happen to you, your family, and your lifestyle if you suddenly lost your source of income. What if you were suddenly struck by enormous medical bills.

The lack of safe and affordable housing, in particular, emergency housing is beyond the crisis point. When the solution is giving individuals and families “tents,” action is needed.

Business and social issues topics, are not mutually exclusive.

A Good Place to Start

Becoming a good leader means embarking on a path that never ends. People, organizations, and the leader themselves will evolve, change, and adapt in response to their changing world.

I have learned while being mentored by some incredible people. Three of those lessons helped to shape my entire philosophy of leadership, “Humility, Consideration, and Determination.”

Quitting over a flashlight …

We had thought we were inclusive, but we realized we needed to do even more. We discovered the real driving force for our continued success was because we learned to appreciate, acknowledge, and respond to the blind spots that we didn’t even know were there.

Start small, but start now.

Failing should be taught to more students

Learning “how” to fail might just be the most important skill that doesn’t get taught to students. As an instructor or leader, I always hoped that everyone would always succeed in everything they tried and never experience failure.

I knew and continue to learn that avoiding failure is unlikely and not always the best thing for people. Take a few moments and see what I mean.