The best working experience of my life …

At the beginning of the pandemic, I left a job I had spent forever doing and volunteered to work at a local charity. My volunteer work lead to a job working with food banks, meal programs, and community gardens to help alleviate local food insecurity. It began a process that opened my eyes to an entire world that had been mostly invisible to me.

The journey was filled with surprises, lessons, and revelations; please take a few minutes so I can share them with you.

A pathway to success

Several years ago I did a series of workshops for a government program called the “Targeted Initiative for Older Workers.” I was grateful for the opportunity but I did not fully appreciate their difficulties until I experienced what they went through myself. This post is dedicated to them and their perseverance.

Many of us will experience the need to transition and redefine what success looks like.

Lessons Learned.

I am currently a Project Manager. I have been other things, a consultant, retail executive, a motivational speaker, and more besides.
As a project manager, we record “lessons learned” so we might avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Using that principle, I am sharing some of my “lessons learned,” to help you or someone you know. Some you might have read before; some might be new. Please add your own in the comments.

What’s holding YOU back?

Leadership takes many forms; I seldom hire the hard-driving people mentioned at the start of this post. Instead, I look for the quiet leaders, the people who appreciate that their organization succeeds when all of the people who comprise our team succeed. People who care, they may not always be the ones who attempt to be “in charge”, often they are the ones who work the hardest and set the best examples; these are the ones who I hire and promote.

Making a difference …

The problems we face as individuals, in our work, with our families, and as a society often can seem incredibly overwhelming.

You can’t change everything, but you can change some things, start where you are. Try these suggestions; they work, and they can help you to make a difference …