One of the questions I am asked the most is about handling staff issues or “problem people” in an organization. Being a leader is full of challenges, but perhaps the hardest one is “How to effectively deal with someone who is causing problems.”

Few issues are “black and white” and often taking actions can create follow on problems. Today’s post is a short guide to helping you overcome these issues and is one more set of “Tools Everyone Can Use.”

Getting out in front of your fires

Too many problems, not enough time, not enough resources, and no time to think. These issues plague small and medium sized organizations of every sector in society. Bouncing from one fire to the next leads to feeling overwhelmed and frustration.

There is a way forward …

Turning the sock inside out …

Managers and supervisors do not earn their money when everything is running smoothly. Managers and supervisors earn their money when everything is going to shit.

With apologies to Rudyard Kipling, “If you can keep your head while all those about you are losing their minds, then you are truly blessed.”

Solving issues is a learned skill, a process combined with an open perspective will give you a key competitive edge.