SME SURVIVAL/thriving – 21 Prospecting Tips

We may live in the most competitive environment for small and medium-sized organizations ever. Competition for limited resources for charitable organization and for “for-profit’s” is literally a fight for survival. “Prospecting” for new clients and customers is some many smaller organizations should be examining. Today’s “Tools Everyone Can Use,” includes elements of the ongoing processes that can help you today.

“The customer is not always right”

“The customer is always right …” is not a valid argument. “The customer has rights,” is. You have rights and you have responsibilities.

Take a few minutes, you will find this to be a short guide to finding the right retail organizations for you.

Why now is a good time to plan your Christmas Party.

This might seem like the last item on your list of priorities heading into likely the warmest month of the year … do yourself a favor and give me five minutes.
Christmas parties can be more than just seasonal staff party. Done well with planning and preparation they can be your annual key event to build morale and staff retention.
See what you think, and if you liked this post check out more than 220 others for small and medium-sized organizations at

To be successful in sales don’t sell!

Covid 19 changes how we did things, many things suffered including how many people approached sales.

Sales is about solving issues; satisfying wants and desires. It is also not limited to furniture, automotive, and real estate. Virtually all of us are involved in sales, the traditional definition as well as for ideas, new concepts, and to lead change in organizations.

I believe sales is not selling, give me five minutes and see if agree.

Solving your problems …

This post is a little different.

Looking for work is a challenging experience. I am looking for an opportunity.

I don’t expect anyone to hire me because they “feel bad for my situation,” I intend to find an organization that believes what I have to offer can solve their problems and help them achieve their goals.

I have learned that it doesn’t matter how a person has gotten to be where they are, as much as it matters what they are doing to move forward.

I want to reach out to everyone I know and who knows me to offer my unique skillset, experiences, and intrinsic abilities to make a difference.

Help to Make an Informed Decision

Part of my job for many years was to examine advertisements and figure out exactly what they really said. For you, whenever buying anything for your home or any other large purchase, take the time and do some research. Read what the advertisements say, filter out the noise, the gimmicks, and the fluff; and then make an informed decision.

I hope this post helps you to recognize the “hooks,” ask questions, and make an informed decision.

keeping a job – a short guide to standing out

I have been helped by some tremendous people throughout my career. To be able to pay back those people who took a chance on me, who mentored me, and who saw something in me worth saving and developing, is the primary reason I started doing these posts.

21 Things you should know when Buying a Washer and Dryer

Recently a friend asked me for some tips on what to look for when buying a mattress. As a former furniture and appliance manager/buyer, it was nice to help them out. Someone else asked about Laundry Teams so this one is for them.

We all try to help with what we have to offer.

Your Success Depends on People

My Dale Carnegie instructor once chided me for using “Never” and “Always” too much; however, I think even he might appreciate how I have used them in this post.

Take five minutes and read this. You won’t miss the time, and content may change the way you approach the people around you. Like the other posts on my blog this one is full of “Tools You Can Use Today.”