Building People with a Team Charter

What is a team charter? It is a building block. It is an interactive and inclusive tool to give people in your organization the freedom, the space, and the ability to get things done.

I will not pretend that this post has all the answers. But in this post and in my other posts, you will find places to start. These posts all share three common themes, one is that you or your organization can start today, all they require is a change of thinking or a change of process and finally, the cost is virtually zero.

10 Warning Signs Your Meetings are in Trouble.

We have all experienced them.
The kind of meeting where the clock, if it seems to move at all crawls at a glacial pace. Far from being productive, the attendees have long since stopped paying attention and only want to find an escape so they can get some real work done.

Ineffective meetings frustrate everyone, the people attending them and the people running them.

The first step to resolution is to recognize the warning signs and then start today rectifying the situation.