Leading Evolution

People are any organization’s greatest strength, conversely they can also be its downfall. Successfully navigating through issues of entitlement, appreciating the importance of gratitude, and ensuring connectively is not always easy. Organizational evolution is the path to surviving and thriving in today’s world.

Avoiding drama, politics, and bull#@%!

This post was inspired by a series of miscalculations and mistakes I unfortunately helped to create. The end result was the exit of a very good person from an organization I care about deeply. What follows is a summary of our “lesson’s learned” that we will apply for the next time.

Ageism in the workplace

Ageism is real and it is happening today and will happen tomorrow. Ageism transcends almost all demographics and it holds back individuals who might otherwise make a difference, and it holds back organizations.

To be successful in sales don’t sell!

Covid 19 changes how we did things, many things suffered including how many people approached sales.

Sales is about solving issues; satisfying wants and desires. It is also not limited to furniture, automotive, and real estate. Virtually all of us are involved in sales, the traditional definition as well as for ideas, new concepts, and to lead change in organizations.

I believe sales is not selling, give me five minutes and see if agree.

Getting out in front of your fires

Too many problems, not enough time, not enough resources, and no time to think. These issues plague small and medium sized organizations of every sector in society. Bouncing from one fire to the next leads to feeling overwhelmed and frustration.

There is a way forward …

Ask your people, “Do our meetings suck? … … lessons for every sector from retail to charities

At the risk of being flippant, this topic is very important. Too many meetings and training sessions for organizations are ineffective. This post is just a start, but it is a good place to start thinking about make changes in your approach to meetings. Leading innovative, interesting, and effective meetings and training sessions can make the difference between engagement and failure.

Mind the gap.

Many organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of “On-Boarding” new people to their teams. Taking the time to introduce “Team Charters” and developing “living processes” that help nurture and develop people are vital to increase staff retention. Managing “off-boarding” is also important. It is a process that should not be ignored, to gain valuable insights and feedback but also to ensure the organizational relationship is ended properly.

Common Sense, the least common of all senses, and Lesson’s Learned.

Learning from mistakes, encouraging feedback, and applying lesson’s learned should be common sense … you would think. Unfortunately this is not always the case. One of the most important “Tools Everyone Can Use,” is incorporating some method of applying “Lesson’s Learned” to things you or your organization do.

Tools Everyone Can Use to Handle Pressure

A friend asked for a post on pressure. I wrote this with them in mind using tools other have shared with me. I hope that it might help other people as well. Handling pressure is a learned skill and sharing skills and stories is a great way to help friends and family.