Ageism in the workplace

Ageism is real and it is happening today and will happen tomorrow. Ageism transcends almost all demographics and it holds back individuals who might otherwise make a difference, and it holds back organizations.

Why now is a good time to plan your Christmas Party.

This might seem like the last item on your list of priorities heading into likely the warmest month of the year … do yourself a favor and give me five minutes.
Christmas parties can be more than just seasonal staff party. Done well with planning and preparation they can be your annual key event to build morale and staff retention.
See what you think, and if you liked this post check out more than 220 others for small and medium-sized organizations at

Getting out in front of your fires

Too many problems, not enough time, not enough resources, and no time to think. These issues plague small and medium sized organizations of every sector in society. Bouncing from one fire to the next leads to feeling overwhelmed and frustration.

There is a way forward …


As a former furniture and appliance store manager I am frequently asked for recommendations by friends and colleagues. Too frequently people only look at price when deciding which retailer or merchant to patronize. Price is important, but not the only factor in making a good choice.

Take a few minutes and read this post and the next time you are making a furniture or appliance purchase, consider these questions.

For students of all ages, from teenagers to senior citizens

Recently, I listened to a story about how an entire generation of students are writing exams for the first time and that inspired me to write this post about how to prepare and write an exam. Whether you are one of those students; a high school or college student, or a professional preparing for a course exam; there should be something in this post to help you.

Tools Everyone Can Use to Handle Pressure

A friend asked for a post on pressure. I wrote this with them in mind using tools other have shared with me. I hope that it might help other people as well. Handling pressure is a learned skill and sharing skills and stories is a great way to help friends and family.

keeping a job – a short guide to standing out

I have been helped by some tremendous people throughout my career. To be able to pay back those people who took a chance on me, who mentored me, and who saw something in me worth saving and developing, is the primary reason I started doing these posts.

Who Does What

People have questions. New people to your organizations and even existing staff have questions. Some are complex and some are very basic. Often times the people who know the answers aren’t available. Struggling and not knowing causes stress and frustration. Consider creating a simple tool, a “Who Does What” tool.

Your Success Depends on People

My Dale Carnegie instructor once chided me for using “Never” and “Always” too much; however, I think even he might appreciate how I have used them in this post.

Take five minutes and read this. You won’t miss the time, and content may change the way you approach the people around you. Like the other posts on my blog this one is full of “Tools You Can Use Today.”

Project Management Tips

Few teams in high school, college/university, and even in the work environment currently apply project management skills to everyday assignments and projects.

These skills can make a difference, eliminate frustration, and help transform groups of individuals into high-performance teams. These skills work on large construction projects, software design projects, and on any academic and work projects whether they are large or small.